Time does slip away if you're not watching. As we get closer to our rendevoux with destiny, it becomes more and more apparent how much Stuff we gotta do. Each of us having full, busy lives does not make it any easier to put our priorities in order and act on them. The time Cindy and I do have together is spent on catching up and catching our breathes from work, kids, artwork, and all the daily this n that. And then we're apart again for days on end.
Some of the things we have to put in order: Preparation to sell 2 pieces of real estate in the spring (that's the really big as far as time commitment), deciding on a wedding date and place, deciding on reception venue, guest lists, ATTIRE, and probably a few more that escape me at the moment.
It is going to be very exciting to put this all together. As Cindy and I have grown together, the one thing that we have found is that we are an awesome team. It is such a joy to be with someone who shares the same goals, outlook and work ethic. We truely know how much stronger we are when we are together.