Having just spent five days on the road (under a variety of conditions) with Cindy, I'm happy to report that we travel well together. The major tension on the trip was from my inability to read road signs as they whizzed by. I was so glad that she was there to help and comfort me in my hours of need, as my body dealt with the effects of a contaminated swordfish. It was all the little things that she did that let her love shine through. I am one lucky guy.
The wedding itself was great! We both loved the ceremony, which kept a nice balance between the formality of the ceremony and the spontanaity and looseness you have when with family and friends. The rabbi is a very close family friend of the bride and groom and that made the ceremony much more personal and intimate. So, however Cindy and I are going to work it out, it is important that the person who will marry us will be more than a passing aquaintance. We toyed with the idea of my sister's boyfriend doing the ceremony for us. He is a captain of a Staten Island ferry. The deal killer with that was that he would have to take the ferry 12 miles out to sea to make it official. It was a nice idea at the start, at least....
We are taking a good look this month at locations for the wedding, with the intent of having something picked out by July (call us naive). Part of doing that is going to be getting a handle on how many guests there will be at the ceremony. So we will have our hands full this month in trying to meet that objective. Then comes figuring out the reception location...
Well written article.