Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stuck inside of Plymouth With the Mpls. Blues Again

Sorry for the title, but it's a Dylan thing I gotta work out of my system.

We've been pretty quiet lately about our housing situations and for good reason.  We're right where we were months ago when we put our properties up for sale.  There've been a few nibble here and there, but there is always something to keep serious discussions at bay.  I've got a buyer who is very interested, but there's a little detail concerning some judgements against this person.  Cindy keeps getting comments about how great her place is, except for maybe the wood floors which need some refininshing and what a deal breaker that is.  Even if we say we'll do it when we have a purchase agreement.  But, honestly, could we have ever picked a better time in history to try to sell property in a totally depressed market?  We've made a lot of price adjustments and have kept working on improvements, but we're at the point where we'd be paying someone to take them off our hands.
So, we're going to take them off the market on Dec. 15 and wait a couple months.  Because we know that by the middle of February the market will be roaring.  And that's when we'll give it another go.  So keep an eye out in spring of 09 for those wedding invites!

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